Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Lizard in Costa Maya

Mini-Golf on the ship

View from the deck at the house in Desttin


Crabby Crab

Hermit Crabs

Hermit Crab

Relaxing in Destin

Hello everyone! We are enjoying the warm weather and the beautiful white sandy beaches. The waves in the ocean have been a little to rough to go swimming. They have different flags that they put out to tell you if you can swim in the ocean. Here are the colors with the meanings:
Green : Good
Yellow : Caution
Red: Danger
2 Red Flags: Stay out
Purple: Hazardous marine life

So far, it has been yellow and red the entire time. Yesterday we rented a pontoon for the day and went out in the bay all day. Brittney and Brehndan found some hermit crabs in the ocean. They live in a shell and when they outgrow the shell they will find a larger one to live in. They were fun to watch. They would only come out of the shell when it was really quiet and they though no one was watching.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Costa Maya

Costa Maya

Costa Maya

Mini-Golf on the ship

The Mississippi

Sunset on the Mississippi

Cruise ship

Cruise ship

Canal street New Orleans


Hello from Destin FL.

We got off the ship on saturday morning and drove from New Orleans to Destin. We checked in to our house and got settled Saturday night. Today we are spending the day relaxing around the pool. I am going to send a bunch of pictures all at once. We had trouble sending them on the boat so I will send them with a caption above to describe what they are of. Talk to everyone later.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Hello everyone, we are in Cozumel and having a wonderful time. We rented a JEEP and are driving around the island all day. Weather is 80 degrees and partly sunny. I am sitting at an internet cafe in downtown Cozumel writing this. Our ship is leaving at 5 P.M. and sailing back to New Orleans. We will send pictures when we get back to the states. Hope the weather is getting nicer in Minnesota. Brittney and Brehndan want to say hello 1C/3A. Will write again soon.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

1st stop Costa Maya

Good mornig everyone, we left New Orleans on Monday and will be in Costa Maya at noon today. The weather has been great! Brittney and Brehndan have been swimming a lot. The pools on the ship are salt water so it takes a little getting used to. Bria Elvis's house was very neat. The house is just the way it was 30 years ago plus a lot of Elvis memrobilia. We have not paid much attention to the birds but we will try to get some pictures of the birds in Mexico. Holly, Brittney says hi and to write her on the blog. Hello to everyone in 3A and 1C. We are going to have breakfast and will write more later.

Onboard internet

Hello everyone, we are having trouble posting pictures using the internet on the ship so we may have to post them all at once when we get to shore.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sheraton, New Orleans, LA

Pork with attitude, Beale Street Memphis, TN

Beale Street

Hello Minnesota

Hello every one in Minnesota. We decided to leave Memphis one day early since the weather was so cold and rainy, but before we left Memphis we did get a chance to tour Elvis Presley's house Graceland. It was very interesting, and a very nice house. Elvis has horses, a raquetball court and some very unique rooms on his 13+ acres. There are some pictures above of Memphis's Beale street. We checked into our hotel in New Orleans a day early (picture above) and the weather is a lot nicer down here. We are going to walk through the French Quarters this afternoon, should be fun. We will try to take some pictures and post them later today. Talk to everyone later.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Holiday Inn, Memphis

Memphis Redbirds Stadium

50 and RAIN!!

We went out to Beale street last night and watched an Elvis impersonator. He was pretty good. Came back to the hotel about 9 PM and went to bed. Everyone was pretty tired from all the driving. This morning we are going to go and visit Graceland. We will take some pictures of the house and put them on this afternoon. The 1st picture above is of a minor leauge basball team's ballpark in downtown Memphis. The stadium is right across from our hotel. The team is out of town in Oklahoma so we will not get a chance to see a game this time, maybe next time. The 2nd picture above is of our hotel in Memphis. Talk to you later.

Knox Family

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hello Memphis, Tennessee

We arrived in Memphis at 3:00 and are going to go out and have a bite to eat. We will write later.

Good morning everyone!

We drove for 10 hours yesterday from Crosby to Hannibal MO. Today we will be going through St. Louis. Later today we will be posting some pictures. Hello everyone in Mrs. Moore's class, can't wait to here from everyone.


Hello from Missouri

Today we are in Hannibal Missouri. We drove through Minnesota and Iowa and now we are in Missouri. This morning we will be driving through St. Louis. Her are 3 clues to our final destination today. 1- Famous Beale Street. 2-The King of Rock and Roll. 3-It is in Tennessee. Hello everyone in Mrs. T's class, can't wait to here from you all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Goodbye snow!!

Hello everyone it is 4:00 in the afternoon and we are packing the car tonight. The Picture above is what we are leaving behind.